Long away...

At long last.... yes, I have been long away...
but may I explain, gentle readers?

I had just submitted my book for spring...Goat's Milk and Gardening on January 29th.

(It is now available on Barnes and Noble's online site, along with my other 9 books)

On January 30th, we began a journey with our dear granddaughter, Sophia, who is now 2 years old...

She has been "enrolled" in what we affectionately refer to as "Grammy's Boarding School" in order to have the attention and love from her grandparents, as opposed to long hours at daycare.

So the adventure began, and the book writing and illustrating was put to rest....
She is our priority.

I have journaled along the way with photos, and would like to share some of the things I have learned.

It was like beginning a new school year without a curriculum, so I started with what I had...

Barney videos (the ones she brought with her)

Maileg bunnies, she eventually named Poppy, Rose, Buttercup, and Pipkin (when she fell in love with the Brambly Hedges storybook Poppy's Babies)...

...ironing Grammy's handkersniff on their sweet ironing board..

...and playing with the Brio train set my mother began collecting when she was a brand new Mema...

(Xavier also loved this set, and still asks for us to pull it out on occasion. He, by the way, is now 6 years old.)

After a time...I realized that less videos, more play time, and one-on-one interaction was what she needed.  Weaning away, began...and she no longer asks for her videos.

Then it was time to establish a room for her...
I didn't want to create a nursery but preferred an inviting room, suitable for a guest of any age...
and this is what I came up with...

 We had just painted the room, formerly the office, the same color used by Susan Branch for her kitchen makeover...
I included my collection of vintage children's books, velvet pumpkins and glittery candles from my favorite french shoppe, here in town, Avec Moi....

I found these long pussy willow branches at Yarrow Acres gardening shoppe....
This is such a sweet place to bring her after her bath...to be lotioned and powdered and dressed in her jammies for bedtime...

 I blended the classics with the antiques...

She loves this room...success!

The blocks and puzzles and child-sized table and chairs began to take over the living room, as that was the warmest place in the house...in front of the fireplace...
where we often enjoyed our breakfast...
by the soft light of our Tasha Tudor beeswax candle...

It was where she could play with her new cloth tea set...
(I found we needed some practice before advancing to the little porcelain set)

(These paper doilie placemats and Peter Rabbit napkins are mod podged to the table)

I painted the tiny chair, mod podged the heart shaped doilie,  and personalized it on the back...

Sophia feels more and more at home, as she sees things being prepared especially for her.

Valentine's Day fast approaches, and husband Tim brings two batches of roses for his girls, in the shades Blush and Bashful....for those who are Steel Magnolia fans, you will know exactly the shades of which I speak.

We are making attempts at potty training...
even celebrating, once, at 4:00 in the morning, when she actually had success....

By this point, I am realizing my body has grown soft...I don't have the energy, strength, patience, or stamina I once had. But I am determined...we can do this!

I begin researching blogs, websites, articles...surfing the "web" on the weekends, when Sophia is home with her mother....

and I come upon my saving grace...
Bella Luna Toys and Moon Child Blog by Sarah Baldwin, 
and I lift prayers of thanksgiving.
Sarah is a former Waldorf pre-school teacher, home-schooler, and now owner of a toy shoppe, providing beautiful Waldorf toys, books, music, and instruments.  Her blog is filled with videos of advice, crafts, and answers to parents questions. Her soothing voice relaxed my anxious mind and spirit, and I was finding answers to some of my questions.  
I have ordered some of the products, a few at a time, and am slowly putting together a playroom worthy of the Waldorf philosophy....
let me take you on a tour...

These are a few of the Ostheimer wooden toys from Germany, she offers...

Sophia loves to learn new songs....lots of them...for every thing we do. We have morning songs, lunchtime songs, bath time songs and bedtime lullabies...and everything in between (another Waldorf mainstay) The song "Old McDonald Had a Farm" was one of her first favorites, so we chose from the farm animal collection (along with the darling farmer and wife)

I kept reading the positive reviews about these beeswax crayon rocks...
how fragrant they were...
Well, you know me! I'm all about the senses and believe strongly in aromatherapy...
It was all true! They have such a subtle, sweet fragrance. I enjoyed coloring with Sophia....and she enjoyed coloring over my pictures...as well as creating her own beautiful blendings...

She was also quite intrigued with transferring them from the little pouch they arrived in, to the sweet tin I had acquired along with a precious little lunch box. Back and forth...back and forth...

She was up extra early, so this was a wonderful quiet time at the table.
(can you see the pretty Bradford pear trees in bloom?)

 Tending her Maileg bunny babies....

She stands in her chair, savoring a Pink Lady apple, while watching the storm roll in...

As the day progresses, she enjoys twirling in her new silks by Sarah's Silks (also available at Bella Luna Toys webstore)

 More toys are ordered and arrive, to the delight of Grammy and Sophia.
A child-sized drying rack, iron, dustpan and brush, and a broom...

A "heavy baby" weighted with millet, infused with lavender essential oils, sleeps with us and is quite the comforting presence with its calming fragrance and soft fabric.

Are you beginning to see how much we love this baby... (It certainly is nice to roll over, during the night, and inhale the softest hint of lavender)

As this baby doll weighs 4 1/2 lbs, and is a bit heavy for carrying around through the day, I have ordered the smaller size, at 2 1/2 lbs, which will be more suitable for daytime play. This is a Waldorf baby doll, recognizable by the minimal facial features, which encourages the child to imagine her baby's expressions. 

Her Aunt Trish arrives with dress up clothes....fairy dress, bracelet, shoes, purse and wings.
Next morning, our little fairy presents herself ...
eager for her toast and jam...

We commence play....
and find it is easier for her to manipulate the old-fashioned clothespins (available at craft stores) than the regular ones. This free play consumed at least a half hour, while I was able to fold laundry, nearby...(another of Sarah Baldwin's suggestions for what to do with your toddler when there are things you MUST get done around the house...engage the child in a task similar or same as yours. They learn through imitation...a Waldorf philosophy that resonates.)

 Early Friday morning, my charge is whisked away to spend the weekend with her parents.
I take advantage of a few more quiet hours to rest...
and then it is time to tackle the project I have been excited to begin....
.... the painting of this tower display ...
(Originally, it was to be Eliza's abode...but for now, it is best served in the playroom.)

It required at least two coats of white Kilz to make the black paint and signage disappear...we surely did not need the word distillery peeking through;)

Much progress...

Time to paint the shutters.
I was elated to find a pot of paint that matched the sweet robin egg blue of the Maileg bunnies' furniture...

By now, it is the end of the day...husband is home...and I am quite exhausted ...
and exhilarated...all at the same time...
My mind's eye is envisioning sugarplum fairies and the like:)

This morning...
scraping paint off of the windows...which now sounds quite humorous as I write this. 
I have to say, though, I'd rather scrape these windows;)

....arranging the shelves....

I am now able to use the smaller wooden shelf to house the growing collection of Ostheimer toys...

There is now more floor space for building with blocks and train set play...

...and two spots reserved  for the wooden kitchen and wooden ironing board.
We are anticipating their arrival this week.

Before I go...and catch a bit more rest before our sweet girl arrives in the morning, I want to leave you with a few photos...

Our kindergartener, growing faster than we prefer....
grandson, Xavier...

...and to "Our Mary"....
here are the precious Snowdrops and Lenten rose...

Know that Mrs. Tiggy Winkle is standing watch above the spot reserved for the sweet little ironing board....sprinkling her pinny pocket-full of ironing wisdom...

Sophia says, "Happy Spring, Grammy's kindreds! Since she loves me to the moon and back, she will be quite busy and may not find much time to post. We have much playing and frolicking and stroller rides ....for we are about the business of growing into a fine and loving young lady."

"There are stickers to stick....

....and special walks into town to Meridee's for their yummy grilled cheese sandwiches...

Just ask my Grammy's friend, Mary....she knows!"

Thank you, my dear dear sister friends, kindreds, gentle readers...
for your love, your presence in my life, your understanding of these divine appointments that require all of our time and energy, and especially your prayers, as this journey continues.

Blessings for a wonderful Easter Season and celebration of Resurrection Day.
