A Christmas Memory

My dear friends...
Winter weather has us in hibernation mode...

Even my dear Bella in Rose Stockings (by the talented Christine LeFever) is staying close by her black cookstove..

and we are staying close by the fire, as well...

knitting on most days,
(the Tasha Tudor Cottage Shawl I have been promising my mother, since Christmas '11)

snuggling with Scout in the quilts...

and working fervently on Goat's Milk and Gardening, book 10, for spring,

along with another rhyming book ...This is Our Cottage of White...

...and this is the real door, aged one hundred and four....

But I cannot go without posting the most precious of Christmas Memories.
My dear, dear friend...who Jeri Landers and I refer to as "Our Mary"...
gifted me with the most precious little music box.
I knew, immediately, it would be scooped up by one very precious little boy...
and it was.
He was entranced, watching the miniature waltzing figures....

How grateful I am for this sweet gift,
but moreover,
I am thankful for the sweet gift of friendship.

Much love to you "Our Mary" from your kindred in the cottage.

Blessings to you, my friends, as we enjoy the home and hearth through this season,
