Beatrix Potter

...and then she was 3...

It doesn't seem possible...How can she be turning 3...already...

This is a sentiment shared by all parents, grandparents, friends, and family members as they anticipate approaching birthdays.

It was just the other day...we were all at the hospital waiting to greet this little princess.

I had made scones and prepared a lovely picnic basket. It held pretty pink forks, pink toile napkins, a thermos of hot tea, jam and freshly whipped creme for the vanilla scones.
I wore my pink coat and painted my nails a complimentary shade...

We would celebrate the birth of a princess...our very own princess...

December 8, 2010...she made her entrance.
Sophia Abigail Ray...perfect in every way.

Last her 2nd birthday....

We had no idea she would soon be coming to live with us.

This darling little doll would shake up our world on January 29, 2013..

Blessing us...

Challenging us...

Snatching us up out of our simple routine...

Making us better human beings...

All that, from one little girl.

And yesterday...she was 3...How did that happen...where did the time go....
It marches on...

What do I gift her with? What does she need that she doesn't have?
What does she want that she doesn't  need...something frivolous...and tiny...that will fit her 3 year old little hands....
That's it! Something she doesn't need but would love.

I pull out the Make-a-Lilly wooden doll pieces I had recently ordered from Natalie Jo at Piccalilli Patchwork, and began painting, sewing, stitching french knots, ...

A  Phia Dolly.. She was our little Phia Doll... so here's one for her...

With tiny french knots and lazy daisy petals and flower...

..and a pretty little lace lining to peek from under the re-purposed fabric dress (made from a very loved set of pajamas gifted me, from our Tia ...grandson Xavier's mommy)...

I added the tiny I always loved those old raggedy ann dolls with the red heart on their this little dolly was from my heart...

It is finished..

I hand her the Phia dolly....she draws her up to her lips...and gently kisses the round little face.

I melt.

We prepare for the party, the celebration of an eventful year. I choose her Laura Ashley dress, in the palest pink, because it compliments her peaches and cream complexion and bright blue eyes. The soft pink angora sweater, ivory tights, and pink ballet slippers complete the ensemble.
She resembles a creme puff...
and we are on our way... with Phia Dolly in one hand and Old Bear in the other...blankie to the side...

A big Happy Birthday Phia smile...

We arrive at Nana and Gran's (Husband Tim's parents) and there is her daddy. She adores him and he adores her.  They work on which fingers to hold up...

"I'm 3"

Auntie Tia has arrived bearing gifts...a birthday crown,  fit for a princess...and a big pink basket filled with treasures.  
Oh, it is just so hard to wait...must take a peek...

and  wearing a crown can get awfully tiring...must take a break...

Auntie Tia scoops her up and loves on her....   Phia and Tia...

Do you see now why Sophia loves hats?  I mean...really really loves hats...of all kinds....?
Her Auntie Tia loves them...
and Tia's momma, Nancy (Sophia's grandmother, who resides in heaven) loved them....
Sophia will know these things.  One day.

Make a wish, our darling Phia doll...

I tuck her into bed. We lie there in silence as she sips on her milk...and then she whispers,
"Atsa bess ... birfday... efver."
And I melt...again.

She enters her deep sleep, and a little giggle slips out, as she dreams.
I am a puddle...

I slip out of her bedroom and quietly close the door.
Husband greets me in the with tears in my eyes..
"Did you hang that there?"
I answer "Phia asked for tape earlier and said something about hanging her poster..."
Hmmmm....we ponder...she has grown up just a bit more, today...

This morning....

It is gray outside ....

Phia is enjoying her birthday presents .... I build a fire, as it is chilly in the high-ceilinged living room..

And I make my way to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast...

...adding a bit of butter...

...and dishing out a portion for Phia...

I re-enter the living room, and with the Roger Williams Christmas CD playing and the fire crackling,
I find Sophia in repose ...and all is well..

She later enters the room with a basket of Goldilocks story blocks...and it occurs to me...I gifted my Matthew with these, on HIS very special birthday.... It doesn't seem possible...wasn't he just 3?..

.....and I know...time marches on...


I have completed 2 more felt ornaments (thank you Alicia Paulson for your adorable ornament kits)...

...and continue work on #4.... the Gingerbread Girl...

And so go the days at Rose Water Cottage, as we prepare for the celebration of the most wonderful birthday of all...a Prince ....our very own Prince ...of Peace.

May you feel the warmth and magic and joy of this Christmas season....

Blessings friends...


Eliza Visits Martha's Vineyard has now been scanned and will travel to the printers on January 15, 2014...My parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary...a perfect day, indeed.

God is so very good.

Everything is just Ducky

Rain, Rain, go away...we've had too much
for this May day!

We are beginning to feel like Pooh....on that rainy day...

But we shall find other things to do...
Certainly not bending and touching our toes! No, no, no!

Let's go to the flower beds and see what has bloomed after the morning showers...

Our pretty Annabelle!
And what do we have here...
These petals look like the shades of purple and blue in the ribbon worn by Daphne Delphinium Duckling!

(She coaxed Grammy Christie to purchase the silk hand-dyed ribbon, called by her middle name, and it is so lovely about her pretty yellow feathers.)

We shall ask Daphne to share some of her favorite books, so she refers to Tasha Tudor's miniature book, The Bouquet...
Miss Tasha has given a list of books that all should keep in their library...for "they have a good understanding of Bears, Ducklings, Dolls and others of like spirit."

Daphne Delphinium is quite proud of Grammy's library, which continues to expand, and includes some of the books on the list...

The Tale of Two Bad Mice, by another favorite author, Beatrix Potter, tells a wonderfully fantastic story of a little mouse named Tom Thumb...(you simply must acquire this book, for it is quite exciting!)

Daphne Duckling, encourages us all to read fun little tales such as these, even if you are a grown-up...for they keep smiles on our faces.

Look and see if you might have some of these books on your bookshelves,  in your closets, or in boxes in the attic....

And little duckling dearest is hoping Grammy Christie has spied the pretty little frock in the picture at the top of the page..she thinks that would be ever so lovely!

She believes the soft pink of the Blushing Bride hydrangea, would be perfectly perfect!! What do you think? Maybe one of pale green silk, as well?  How tremendous will be Grammy's effort to find such beautiful fabrics and trimmings...
Do you see the little fly perched above, on the fresh green petals?

Please Remember:
We pray today for those who have lost their homes because of the recent floods, tornados, and terrible storms. We ask for God's provision and guidance through these difficult days and months ahead.