A Summer Evening at Grammy's...and a little ball of sunshine

I remember the summer evenings spent at my Grandparent's home in Kentucky, when I was a little girl.
It always meant catching lightning bugs after a long hot day spent throwing rocks in the gravel drive, eating watermelon under the shade trees in the back yard, and seeing how far we could spit the seeds. The white metal chairs, with five or ten coats of white paint, formed a line between the farmhouse and the pasture that blended into the sunset.  All was right with the world.

Xavier enjoyed such an evening...minus the watermelon... and painted metal chairs.  Instead of mason jars for catching lightening bugs...it was plastic water bottles, emptied by a thirsty little boy after a busy afternoon.

He loved the tiny broom my daddy found ....in a pile of things on the side of the road, intended for trash...
It is the perfect size for Xavier....
...this winter it will be the perfect size for cleaning the ashes from the fireplace....

He was so happy the swing from the old house came to the Franklin House...

He spent some time with Eliza, and after spying a skein of yarn, a beautiful *sunshine* yellow, decided she needed a shawl that color....well...maybe he would just cut her some yellow yarn...

...and then shows it to her for her approval...

He has quite a conversation with her, for she is such a special friend to him.  He gives her updates on John Jacob...he's still hiding...he explains....Grammy believes maybe he's lost...but Xavier likes playing hide-n-seek...so we'll go with his story...

He then enjoyed a long visit with his dearest Aunt Bonnie ...so excited to show her his great skill in catching the little flying fire flies lighting up the evening, as we sat out under the Tulip Poplar, thankful for its shade...
It was such a terribly hot day, that by the time the sun was setting, and Aunt Bonnie had said her goodbyes...it was a fine time to pull out the hose and water the flowers...and one very hot little boy...

The squealing and jumping and laughter of a 4-year-old little boy has no comparison....this water play delighted him beyond words.
Then it was time for a lesson on how to use the sprayer...WITHOUT spraying GRAMMY...
Okay...okay...*I wasn't trying to spray Grammy....I was just spraying the driveway...*   Hmmmm....Grammy wasn't convinced....

Much better...focused on the flowers, now....

This little boy didn't run out of steam till late in the night..so excited to do all the things he loves to do...
but at last, sleep came...
....and in an instant, the night was over...the sun was up and so was Xavier...
Sesame Street was created for sleepy mommies and grammies...I am convinced...

As the credits begin to roll, the announcer says, *Sesame Street was brought to you today by X and 4.*  Xavier was ecstatic...He kept repeating...*X and 4, Grammy! X and 4!!!*   

He is so glad to have some time with his little girl Scout...

Now it's time for indoor play....still incredibly hot outdoors....

He finds the wardrobe, ironing board, and drying rack ...working diligently to pack...unpack...arrange...rearrange little bunny Lulu in her chair, Eliza in her chair, Ted the dog, and the wagon full of his favorite things...

Ted the dog, is a gift from Aunt Bonnie...The real Ted is Xavier's Mamaw's dog that lives on the farm and always greets us when we go there for a visit.

Xavier finally settles up on the couch where Grammy begins her morning knitting as she drinks her morning cup of coffee.
He believes Eliza needs to knit, as well, and finds her a matching skein of the pink yarn and some needles..
Even though they are quite big...Eliza gives Xavier a wink for thinking of her ...

Xavier finds his *sunshine* yarn and commences to making her a big 'ole plate of s'getti...

Grammy inquires, *Xavier, do you think Eliza will be able to eat ALL that spaghetti? Don't you think Lulu and Ted should help her eat it?*
Xavier replies in a very matter-of-fact manner, *Probably not. I think it is not a very great idea.*
So, that is that...

He hops up when he sees a sweet yellow bird sitting on the mantel...a bird he can now reach because he has gotten so big. He says, *Look, Grammy....I am SO big, my feet go all the way to the floor!*

I had never thought of it this way...but, I am supposing it is all a matter of perspective.  From his point of you, looking down, he realizes...it is a longer way to the floor...now that he is growing so tall.  We think of it as growing UP...he thinks of it as how far DOWN it is to his feet touching the floor..my goodness....

He finds the antique phone in the sunroom...turns the crank to hear it ring...and begins his phone conversations with various members of the family...

I try not to cause a distraction, and quietly snap some photos, for he is so engaged in his stories...

Then he is off...and onto the living room to practice his piano...

He finds the *sound of birds singing* on the upper notes....

..and the *sound of thunder* with his left hand...

*I like this note, Grammy*.....
Then both hands...

*Grammy, those clouds are smacking!* ...as he plays ever so loudly...

And, last but not least, he finds his stool and makes his way to the cookstove...setting Eliza close by so she may watch as he *scrandles* some tiny eggs...mixes food in the mixing bowl...and learns that the red-checked cloth in the picnic basket is for wrapping up food...

Notice the sunshine yellow yarn, to the left. He rolled it up into a ball for her present...It's her little ball of sunshine...I think everyone should have one.

That evening...after Xavier had gone...and the house was quiet, once again...the trucks and blocks and puppets and puzzles still on the sofa...yellow bits of yarn ...everywhere....  I was already missing him...

He is our little bundle of sunshine...
Everyone needs one of those.
We are blessed, and all is right with the world.