A wheel barrow for Eliza Dormouse

An afternoon getaway...just so much packing one can do...and then a distraction is much needed.

We travel to Franklin, making a quick visit to Mistress of City Mouse...and she has a gift for Eliza...
A wheelbarrow...
...just like the one used by Samuel Whiskers and his Mrs. to flee...with "a quantity of luggage."

The darling wheelbarrow was wrapped with such a pretty bow....Eliza could not bear to remove it..

The tiny wheel spins...

Eliza is unsure if she will be capable of running as fast as Mrs. Whiskers...but not to worry...her "getaway" is planned, and she is coming along to Rose Water Cottage, by invitation...
So she gives a little try...
It is  *perfectly perfect* in every way, and she will carry her very tiny delicate things...candle sticks, and shovel for her fireplace, brass bowls* much tinier than thimbles* ... as Mistress Grammy will load her heavier belongings in the picnic basket...

 Miss Eliza has missed her John Jacob...who has gone to play and live with Xavier...and it has been very difficult to leave as a *country mouse* and arrive as a *city mouse*.  Mistress Grammy eases her tiny little moussie mind...and says she may be a *cottage mouse*....still loving Grammy's flowers, grown in a garden...and able to love tea sets and tea pots and lovely things which are pink. Such a wonderful way to ease her anxious thoughts.

Grammy Christie and Husband leave City Mouse...thanking her profusely for the lovely gift...and travel to the new cottage, to park their *carriage*...a short distance they will walk, to attend the GRAND OPENING of the Theater in Franklin...in total disrepair...it has lovingly been restored...
On the Red Carpet is a lovely young woman wearing the most beautiful evening gown...
As Grammy inquires the origin of the most gorgeous gown...she is told it has been fashioned from the theater's original draperies, circa 1937. The evening gown was the fabric lining the drapes. The fabulous cloak, was the actual drapery ...See from the back, it is absolutely exquisite...

What an enchanted evening we had...
perusing the charming gift shops....

They were celebrating as well, with fantastic displays....

and costumes....extraordinaire....
Wonderful friends in my favorite little shop...Avec Moi....the owner, on the right, is so very proud, for he worked so very hard, preparing for this event. You should have seen the shiny buckles on his shoes...my mademoiselle dolly, Andrea M'lynn, would have been enchanted!

We gave hugs and congratulations as we left the Parisian festivities of the precious little shop..
I loved every thing about this fabulous table setting...thinking Ms. Anita, dear, should be seated as guest of honor!

Onto another favorite shop, which draws one to its doors....which stand open...by releasing a fragrance so divine....lavender!

I bring home a bag of Lullabaloos....fizzy balls for the bath...aromatherapy for the entire home...
Breathe in...and inhale the lavender....

So, a fizzy ball today, one for tomorrow, one for Monday...and then they shall be found on the lovely vanity in the cottage ....ahhhhh!! Breathe in ...breathe out....we will be there soon...

Miss Eliza is delighted to become a cottage mouse....and is anxious to pack her wheelbarrow....