Andrea M'lynn receives a new bow

Xavier was busy tending to "the girls," as he refers to the dollies at the tea table, 
arranging the tea set and filling their cups with sugar. 
He suddenly declared, in an authoritative tone, 
"Her name is Ava (pointing to our resident Southern Belle), 
and her name is Andrea." (pointing to our little French girl dressed in pink) 
I am not sure how he came upon the idea of these two names, 
but apparently it was a moment of inspiration. 
I had been at a loss as to what their names should be, 
and it seemed that he sensed my dilemma and spared me the difficult decision. 

(I no longer speculate the possibility that he reads my mind...
too many occasions to count, have led me to believe that he does.)

He also removed the pink bow from Andrea's hair with as much authority as he had used in naming the two silent guests at his table. 
When I noticed the tattered bow laying next to her, I asked him why it had been removed. 
He simply stated, "She doesn't like it." 
My first thought was that he doesn't care for bows...
as was evidenced every time I tried to keep a bow atop our puppy Scout's head....
he would pull it out, directly, stating the same, "she doesn't like it."
As I looked at our dear Andrea M'lynn 
(having decided she needs a middle name befitting a French girl) 
I decided that Xavier had a very valid point. 
I wouldn't care for a shabby bow in my hair, either, and I committed to attending to the situation. 
Upon inspection of her tendrilled brown locks, 
I discovered an array of bobby pins concealed by the massive curls...
completely unacceptable.

I brought out my miniature box of "Comb and Curlers" for our hair appointment and evaluation. 

I had made the discovery of this lovely set on an antiquing adventure with my Uncle Neil 
when I was a girl. 
I can still remember spotting the pink treasure in the display case by the register 
and spending four dollars to make it my own.

As I began M'lynn's makeover, I removed her "time for tea" locket...Alice was delegated to keep watch over the tiny necklace. She didn't seem to mind...

The recently purchased silk ribbon was soft in my hands, 
as I calculated the length to cut. 
Upon tying the bow in her hair,  the sweet song "Scarlet Ribbons" flooded my thoughts. 
The memory of my mother singing this song to me, when I was a child, as she tucked me into be bed at night, remains the sweetest recollection.

I am persuaded to think that Miss Andrea M'lynn is feeling rather prissy in her new bow...
the shade being referred to as "Blossoms"...
quite suitable, wouldn't you say, as it reminds us of the cherry blossom's lovely hue, 
painting the landscape here in the South.

My handsome four year old fellow will be ready for a picnic, soon, and he has already decided this is the very basket suitable for carrying the dollys' tea time treats.
Not to worry...he has already pulled out his wellies and wheelbarrow to do "hard work" in Grammy's yard and flower beds.
It is a nice balance, I do believe.