Christie Jones Ray

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Essential Elements...for Taking Peace

It isn't often...but once in a great while...
a day presents itself....
a day of Peace...
Take it!

As I stroll through MY day of peace...
I thought I might present some ideas,
for often we forget...
how to let the house, the phone, the computer...
Let go...
come with me....

Your breakfast for one, my dear kindreds....

Choose a pretty teacup for your one is there to count how many times it might need refilling.
My bunny is filled with my favorite creamer...the french press holds fresh ground coffee...sugar cubes at the ready in a pretty sugar bowl with silver tongs...and Special K with Vanilla & Almonds cereal topped with fresh goat's milk.

Now for your hot bath....pick your favorite...bubbles, bath oil beads, or a lullabaloo lavender fizzy ....

Find a frilly feminine frock...that is comfy, as well.....

(I chose my new favorite dress from Rose Mille...Millie's Closet...The Lily dress by Nick and Mo with a black pair of capri length leggings)

Slather on a creamy, fragrant lotion...Linden by Pre de Provence is lovely...

If you simply must do a daily have permission to do one cycle of laundry...IF you use a lavender scented product which could be considered suitable will wait...

Now it is time to find your favorite, most soothing, lyric-less music ....reach for your source of inspiration...

and go straightaway to your comfy know you have one...your favorite chair, your spot on the sofa, a comfy rocker....go there, with a snuggly wrap...and a snuggly companion, if you have one...

Reach for a project that is mindless, no thinking required...

(at least, this part of the project requires very little thought...)

..or peruse reading material that you sip your last few sips of coffee...

...or takes you back in time...

...and often, we just need some time to ponder....remember....miss....reflect....

I remember my Grandma Effie Belle....and miss she would have turned 94 this past week...
So on her humble maple table, painted a different shade each of the past four decades....I have placed a few things.  I gaze at her photo.  I think of the bottle of glitter sitting there...reminding me of the sparkle in her eyes when she smiled. The french beaded fern, tipped in blue...a Florida girl, she became, when Fred drove her and toddler Dorothy to the center of the state...where there was work...and lush ferns.
And a small photo of her at my age...

I also remember all the new relationships that have come my way....all the kindred spirits...the ladies, young and old....and everywhere in between (old is a matter of perspective...mind you....) and I can't help but allow my mind to wander much richer my life is because of all of you.
You know my children, my grandchildren, how I bake, how I make home...Penny knows that I am really Bebe (just in the form of a Grammy...)

Anita knows how I love tea and pretty sparkly things...

Suzanne, a new friend, a tall gal like me....knows what it is like to have a Grandma..Gigi ...with Alzheimer's..
Dianne, knows I want to spin wool so badly, that she gives me tips across the miles through the computer...
Linnie..knows how much I love Jesus...and mice..
Jeri, knows I am a novice writer with a little grandson who could eat all the scrandled eggs she could send our way...
Laura, knows how much I love blueberries and sends me recipes galore...
and dearest, sweet Natalie knows about my purple wellies and how much I love them....

There are more of you out there, who follow religiously...or every now and then pop in for a peek...
like Jill, and Donna, and Lisa, and Mother, and Sisters-in-law, and dear you are to me...

And new friends across the way...across the country...across the goodness...
Start counting your friends...your confidant's...your sisters (whether by blood or *kinship*) and you will remember how truly, richly blessed you are!

Thank you for being one of my blessings.