Christie Jones Ray

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Granny Smith Apple Pie

As summer is fast approaching, it is time for the fragrance of an apple pie in the oven...a Granny Smith Apple Pie.
So let's put on a pretty apron and begin the baking...

I thought you might enjoy seeing the way I create a pie...for with is an outlet for artistic creativity...

I begin with 4 apples (peeled, cored, and sliced)
Sprinkle the following ingredients over your big bowl of slices:
  *3 Tbsp all purpose flour
  *1 cup sugar
  *1/2 tsp cinnamon
  *2 Tbsp butter sliced
Using a wooden spoon, stir until slices are coated with ingredients

 (*1 egg white to brush over crust)

Using a roll out type crust...whichever brand you one rolled out crust in the pie dish and crimp edges with your two pointer fingers...fill with apple slices.
Roll out the other crust, and using 3 different sizes teapot cookie cutters (or any design you wish) beginning with the largest, first, cut out 4 teapots and position them like the stokes of a wheel...right on top of the pie. Using the medium size, cut 4 teapots and place them overlapping the large ones. Continue with the smallest teapot...
The goal is to cover the pie with teapots like so...

That is the creative part..position them to your liking...that's the most important thing...and then, using a pastry brush, coat the crust with the egg white (add a tiny bit of water to make an egg wash, whisking it to  blend the white and the water)

Bake in a preheated 375 oven for 45 minutes. (I use strips of aluminum foil around the edges to create a tent over the outer crust..unless you like it really crispy)

At this point, your entire home is scented with the most delicious fragrance...

Each teapot is a delightful treat in itself...but, remember, it's best to slice and serve before nibbling the crust...adding a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream or a slice of white cheddar cheese, adds that little something extra.

The possibilities are endless...stars for the fourth of July, apple shapes for the beginning of the school year, pumpkins for autumnal festivities, and trees, gingerbread, snowmen, to name a few, for Christmastide.

Start thinking....create....and remember, children love helping you in the kitchen.

This Teapot Pie went to our most wonderful neighbors for their generosity in helping us with our move.

Have a wonderful Father's Day Weekend....celebrate with those you love....Bake a them smile.